The complexity of drought and drought risks
← The city of Ölgiy on the banks of the Hobda river, Bayan-Ölgiy Province, Mongolia.
Source: Alexey -stock.adobe.com
systems at
global level
Water resources are vital for natural and socio-economic systems. Droughts pose a significant threat to these resources, disrupting their functioning and causing diverse impacts. For instance, droughts can severely affect ecosystem biodiversity and carbon storage potential, leading to long-lasting harm to both nature’s intrinsic value and
its contributions to human well-being. In addition, a deficit of rain, surface and/or groundwater can directly affect humans through shortages in drinking water or food supply. Droughts can also indirectly affect livelihoods and socio-economic systems. For example, droughts can reduce hydropower generation, leading to higher energy prices or power outages, and can disrupt local and international supply chains due to low water levels that hinder transportation in inland waterways. Due to cross-sectoral dependencies and connections, such impacts do not occur in isolation, and drought-related impacts on one sector can trigger cascading effects, including exacerbating inequalities and conflicts and threatening public health.
← Old ships on the shore of a drying Amu Darya river, Xorazm Region, Uzbekistan.
Source: bbsferrari – stock.adobe.com
Regional perspectives
← A woman collecting water from a hand pump in Bol, Chad, highlighting community resilience in the face of drought around the shrinking Lake Chad.
Source: Pape Mamadou Camara / UNCCD.
Managing and adapting to drought risks
← An aerial view of restored land in Mauritania, part of the Great Green Wall initiative to combat desertification and build resilience to drought.
Source: Great Green Wall Accelerator / UNCCD.